Our future is brighter together.
This is what we’re made of.
Unlimited Potential (UP) is made of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and participants. All you have to do to get involved with UP is send us a message.
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UP is ONE of the select few programs nationwide that helps facilitate Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) housing voucher program.

We provide limited transportation for purposes like medical services and job interviews. With further support from the community, we hope to expand the availability of transportation services.

Case Management
"You don't have to manage everything on your own" - UP's trained case managers provide 1 on 1 assistance to help you make a plan and work toward reaching your goals. They know how to help keep you on track.
Life skill coaching.
You have plenty of life experience – and probably plenty of skills for staying alive. What you might be missing are life skills. Life skills are grouped into four categories: citizenship, learning, personal empowerment, and employability. They’re practical, valuable, and often overlooked even in traditional households. Give yourself a leg up in the world with individual or group life skills coaching.
When you’ve experienced emotional turmoil, hardship, or a lack of dependable support, talk therapy can help you find clarity in the present, peace about the past, and hope for the future. Unlimited Potential provides free professional counseling to clients.
Donation, Sponsorship & Volunteering.
Unlimited Potential wouldn’t be possible without the selfless donations of time, funding, and supplies from our valued volunteers, mentors, donors, and sponsors. If you’re interested in partnering with us to change more lives in Brazos Valley, send us a message using the button above. An UP staff member will give you a call within 24 hours.
Giving yourself the best chance at success means building an arsenal of resources and support. UP’s library of resources is designed to fill in the gaps with information and connections – the building blocks of a bright future.